Building Your Team

Offering a robust line of products to meet your personal and business needs

Leadership & team development


Our services and offerings range form individual and team wide surveys and assessments to intensive multi-day programs designed to introduce organizational leaders to skill sets that help them discover what is working and what is not. Our programs are not events that occur one day, but a process that endures and can be duplicated throughout an organization.

Hire, develop and retain the best talent

Harrison Assessments is leading the Talent Management and Online Assessment industry with cutting edge technologies. The Harrison Assessment Talent Solution's (HATS) unique Talent Management and Online Assessment systems are comprehensive, ensuring you hire, develop and retain top talent. The HATS methodologies are fully integrated ensuring that organizations achieve a comprehensive and clear overall picture for decision making. The online systems are cost effective and require minimum set up time and can save up to 80% administration time.

Overview of the Harrison Assessment Talent Solutions (HATS) System